Catatan PhD (Bahagian 4)

Teks: Rafeah Wahi

Catatan keempat ini masih dibuat dalam semester 1 pengajian PhD saya. Bila saya baca semula catatan ini, saya ingat bahawa catatan ini saya tulis selepas membaca beberapa artikel di internet dan juga maklum balas dari kumpulan sokongan Doctorate Support Group (DSG). Oleh itu anda mungkin telah juga membaca catatan seperti ini di mana-mana sebelum ini.

Catatan 4: 5 April 2012

Important Notes for Myself

1. I don't need a comprehensive proposal. Instead, I need a strong research framework. Strong RF will avoid major correction or resubmission of thesis. Set 2-5 months only for a proposal and proposal defense.
2. Writing thesis should start as early as possible. Don't wait until you finished taking coursework or get some experimental data.
3. First thing to write is LR, followed by methodology, intro, results&discussion, conclusion.
4. Don't limit to ask/learn from other professors apart from your supervisory committee.
5. Build communication (at least by email) with authors of your pilot articles or someone expert in your research specialization. Just in case they would be your external examiner, at least they've known you before.
6. Trust your supervisor and yourself.
7. Don't go to your supervisor to whine, instead showed them you're doing some homework.

Akhirnya di penghujung semester 1 pengajian saya berjaya menyelesaikan beberapa perkara penting berikut:

1. Lulus semua 9 kredit kerja kursus yang diwajibkan untuk calon PhD UPM.

2. Hadir sebanyak mungkin bengkel/seminar berkaitan penyelidikan dan penulisan saintifik.

3. Menyiapkan dan membentangkan proposal.

4. Menyiapkan draf pertama review paper, hasil LR (walaupun draf pertama itu ditolak mentah-mentah kerana susunan yang tunggang-langgang, namun ia tetap satu pencapaian bagi saya ketika itu).

Berani bermimpi, bergerak dengan sistematik, rendah hati. Bekalan doa yang tak putus-putus. Insyaallah berjaya.

Salam sayang,

Rafeah Wahi


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